What’s up man, my names Frost I’m from Richmond Virginia. July 1st the state recreationally became legal allowing us up to 4 plants per house. I’m currently on the flowering process of my grow. I’m using just some bag seeds from strains Ive previously consumed. The purpose of the post is just to say thank you. The videos that yourself and Rob from cannabis lifestyle tv have, made my first grow a breeze. I credit ALL my success to you guys. Without the videos that yall have created idk if I would’ve had the success that I’ve had. I do landscaping I know plants and trimming, but would’ve never noticed the nutrient lock in my spk or how to tell the deficiencies in the plants. I love what y’all are doing, keep up the good work, and thank you 🙏💪👍🤙.
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I appreciate your positive words! I'm glad to hear you're having some good success! Cheers!