(coco/perlite, 4x4 tent, various strains photoperiod, 3g fabric pots)
I have come to realize that my out of control humidity (~80%rh) issue is a symptom of watering the plants until run-off. Having been led to believe the 'little and often' method will result in salt build up and nutrient lock-out i had been watering thoroughly each time and testing the run-off ph and ppm levels. However now i am in the first weeks of switching to 12/12 light cycle and the plants are growing bigger i am considering changing tactics in an attempt to thwart my ever spiraling rh% by watering lightly each day. It has also been my experience that watering til runoff every day was much too much of a muchness and no doubt the reason why my humidity spiked in the first place. It also seems like letting the coco get almost completely dry fore feeding makes the plants happier although have heard multiple growers warn against this so am pretty unsure on what is right vs what is optimal vs what is more efficiet vs more work/effort, etc etc.
I should add that i am pretty entrenched in my 'won't buy a de-humidifier' position and not just because i already went waay over budget on this grow. I have read so many accounts of growers shelling out for machines which barely make a difference unless you go commercial grade or they're installed to work with an a.c. unit (no AC units in Ecosse anyway) and my tent is fit to burst with plants of slightly varying ages and sizes (why yes i am a moron, thanks for asking) so my thinking is a dozen water-logged trees sweating buckets in a tent will be an almost insurmountable for for any dehumidifier i could afford anyway.
tl dr - OP channels Sherlock Holmes & Cpt. Obvious to blame waterlogged plant pots for high humidity problem in grow tent. Clearly shilling for Big Humidity too with all the dehumidifier hate speech.
I also have huge RH issues where I live, and I had to upgrade to a bigger de-humidifier than what Chris recommended on his Equipment page. My RH is anywhere from 70-80% in the summer. This is what I purchased and it is amazing
I know you're entrenched and over-budget. But the right equipment makes the difference for your climate. This De-hum is supposed to be able to bring my RH to 30%, but the best I've gotten is 46 which is still really good.
Just want to help you win the war, best of luck brother
UPDATE: Well so much for my idea. I watered half the amount of water but my rh% is back up in the 80's just like when plants were being fed 'til run-off. I think i will try feeding plants in pairs hours apart to see if that will turn the trick. If that doesn't work maybe feeding outside and away from tent and only place back after half an hour or so.
Rh% again wins the battle, the war rages on...
Hey learn by doing right? 🙂
Just curious, what is the natural humidity outside where you live?
I only water 3 to 5 days and it keeps my humidity in range. If gets a little high i turn up my exhaust fan