Hello sir,
Ive watched you for about a year and enjoy your content, very educational! Im having an issue with my grow. 5x5 8 plants 4 strains from clone same synthetic nutes across the board growin in soil. Week 5 flower, one of my plants is dying. This certian plant has had water renention issues the entire grow. It holds to much. The soil never dries out. I waited a 5 days in week 3 to water this one and top soil was still moist and the plant saucer always has a little run off water in it. Its the smallest plant but ive never had this issue before. Maybe i didnt add enough pearlite at the begenning but my other plants are doing GR8!!
Runoff is 4.8 ec (wtf) i only water with 2.0ec max. Leaves show all sighns of deficiency allover the plant. Complete lock out.
Is there any thing i can do to salvage the plant? Hydrogen peroxide? Its a gg#4 with good looking tops but if its got to go i am willing to do it.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated
Thank you sir!
The one time I ran into root rot, I found it too late to do anything but throw her out. So I don't have any advice on how to handle it, but here is good article on Root Rot:
I would have flushed her as soon as I noticed the EC was out of whack. I usually measure using PPM but I assume a high EC is just as bad as a high PPM.
But it sounds like the damage may have already been done at that point so a flush may not of helped.
If you had more than a few plants doing this, then I would suspect it was something in your environment or feed, but it is just one so I would not stress too much about it. Sometimes stuff just happens for no apparent reason.
Last thought ... that pot wasn't sitting near a heat source was it? Too much heat could cause root problems.
Good luck with the remaining 7!