Some leafs are ”Clawing“ is that because I am using cal mag plus coco sensi grow A/B am I giving it too much nitrogen , also snapped the main stem whilst performing LST on the bottom left snapped but not completely only half way so luckily wrapped some tape around it see what happens , any suggestions would be appreciated , this is my first grow

Everything looks fine to me. A little droopy on the front one; that's not considered clawing though. Does that one need water?
I was feeding advanced nutrients calmag which has 4-0-0 ratio and I was also feeding coco sensi grow A-B plus voodo juice and B52 , found leafs were clawing , so I believed was nitrogen toxicity therefore fed only water for 4-5 days and started A-B grow and B-52 again see how it goes
4 weeks old going onto 5 weeks ,how are they looking ??
using a mars hydro TS3000 and its 24 inches away from canopy and currently at 75 percent power as per veg recommendations from manufacture
What grow light are you using and how far away is it from the top of the plants?