Have I have a 4 Inch Nursery Pot to start my grow in. so my question is should I transplant them to a 1 gallon pot, then a 3 gallon pot or can I transplant them directly into the 3 gallon pot or which is better?
If you have space constraints or are worried about over-watering then going from solo to 1 gal to final container may be best. If space isn't an issue and you are confident you won't over-water a small plant in a large container, then go right into final container. Totally grower preference.
If you have space constraints or are worried about over-watering then going from solo to 1 gal to final container may be best. If space isn't an issue and you are confident you won't over-water a small plant in a large container, then go right into final container. Totally grower preference.