I just found out that not everyone uses the same ppm units? I am a night person and my plant light is also on at night. Some of the peeps I communicate with in the middle of the night are not in North America.
We use ec times 500 and they use ec times 700. Wtf. Not sure how often this turns up but it does make talking about ppm interesting until you figure out what is going on.
Thanks this should help.
This stuff confuses the heck out of me too so I just try and stick to the PPM method most widely used in North America which according to this chart is called the Hanna method.
Here is a chart that shows the conversion between the different types of EC and PPM. I highlighted in yellow an example I think shows your 500 and 700 conversion rates:
Like I say, I don't fully understand this stuff but maybe this chart will help you out.
Here's a link to the page I got that chart from, it includes an EC to PPM conversion calculator.
Have fun!