I have been waiting patiently for more amber Trichomes to develop. Most are cloudy right now but I want to let this plant go until I get like 50% of each. It makes me nervous to hear "degradation of THC". So I guess that the CBN is what gives you the narcotic and couch lock high? I am looking for more of a couch lock, therefore, I will continue waiting. Or should I not?

Nice! Never thought about stitching shots together
Here is a shot taken with a macro lens and a few shots stiched together to get more depth.
50X to 1000X Handheld Wireless Microscope from Amazon. I also use a Boom Microphone stand to steady the microscope and it moves easily around my tent and gets some very good shots
What did you use to take that picture?
Well you might not get too many amber sometimes. If you can dim your lights or move them higher might get them plants closer to harvest a bit faster. 90 days of flower my last crop with not many amber at all but still a good crop.
Good luck
Yeah it's totally up to you to harvest at the stage you desire. Some harvest when most are cloudy; others harvest when they have a certain % of amber. It's totally subjective.