Currently growing 8 auto’s and four of them either have Deficiencies or toxicity’s. I’ve linked some pics. I’m growing in miracle grow with gaia green dry amendments. Ph’ing my water to 6.5-6.8.

rh is 50%~ temps are 24C~ and the four that have issues are in their first week of flower. I’d like to solve any issues asap so I can still get a somewhat decent yield. Any help is appreciated.
Looks a lot like potassium deficiency. But light burn has similar symptoms. What grow light are you using and what is the light distance from the top of the plants? More info on potassium deficiency:
Here’s some pictures with normal light!
yes i know what you mean i feel the same . i guess you should stick with the feeding schedule of your nutes but a bit less i guess . on the stage that you are, you also have the tool of foliar spraying. you can cover a lot of problems by feeding through the leafs . are you topdressing ? whats your schedule? for me a good quality soil ph meter has helped me a lot
Sounds good, thank you! Hard to find info though because everyone is using bottled nutrients :(
Yea I was also thinking burn, don’t have a ppm meter unfortunately.. :(
there is a bit of nute burn and maybe also potassium deficiency . i dont think its a good thing to flush an organic grow . but im no expert . search for potassium def online
Look like nuke burn. What is your PPM? I would flush it then just use PH water and see if it corrected.