@Cap Stone I prob over watered bc I water that one more often then my other plants. Pot might be too small idk I was trying to make the plant grow more bushy but I didn’t start out with a root ball. The soil I use I don’t really know what’s in it but I asked a family gardener for a good weed plant soil. I have miracle grow but I don’t know when or how I should introduce it to the plant? I started this grow August 10 with just some seeds I found in my bud. Any estimate when u think it will be ready to harvest? My bad I asked a few lotta bitta questions just worried for my babys.

I don't think you are going to be very successful at those temperatures. It should be at least near 70 during the day and 65 at night. Your humidity should be higher than 40%.
Those red pots do seem a bit on the small size, you should transplant them soon. The white bucket is a good size but light can get through it and cause problems with your roots, you should wrap something light proof around the bucket. Also make sure all your pots have drainage holes in them.
Over watering is not a big deal, just let them dry out completely and then water them less after that.
You are going to need some nutrients for them, either bottled nutrients or maybe a dry amendment like Gia Green. I have never heard anything good said about MiracleGro when it comes to cannabis.
Your plants are probably Photo Periods so they will not flower until you change the light cycle to 12/12. After that it could be another 8-12 weeks to harvest depending on the strain. You will also need a Full Spectrum light as the plants need light from the red spectrum to produce bud. What kind of light are you using?
There also 50-60° during day dropping to 40-30° what’s the coldest they can be before its a problem?