So, after Hesitating for so long I’ve decided to start my own grow. I bought a few books and watched a lot of YouTube and now i finally got it All set up. I want to germinate straight in to soil but I don’t know what water to use.. can I use tap water? should I use Ph⬆️⬇️? Why or why not??
I Appreciate any help/ advise 🤙🏽 here’s what I got going on so far. I’m only missing the humidifier. right now it’s been 75-79 degrees and 45-51% humidity so once I get my humidifier tomorrow to do my fine tuning. i should be completely set.

Nice setup. Do you know if your tap water has chlorine or chloramine in it? Also, what pH is the tap water?
And just keep posting on here this community is awesome and theres always people on here willing to help @Mr. Grow It
of course us growmies gotta stick together 😂
Often tap water is fine, depends. If you are on city water you can usually find a report showing the PPM and type of chlorine. If you are doing an organic grow then the type of chlorine in the water can make a difference.
Sometimes if you use bottled/filter/RO water you may need to add additional CalMag since there will be less mineral content in the water.
PH 5.5 is a tad low so you might want to PH Up that 1 point. If you are adding CalMag or nutrients to the water, then only check/adjust the PH after you add the nutrients as that can change the PH.
👌🏽👌🏽 Thanks guys
homie is right humidity is important for seedling but just cut a water bottle at the bottom or a 2 litter and use that as your dome much cheaper especially your first few grows. You already invested so much so anywhere you can save a few bucks I know it helps. I have a Costco membership so I just buy water from there I did the math it’s about the same I’d spend on a ro filter so I’ll be getting one ASAP.
So a lot of master growers or vet growers use ro water. They like to know what exactly what’s going on there plants but new growers usually use tap water or bottled water. I would say just use bottles or tap water until your 3rd or 4th grow. As a new grower you want it to be as easy as possible. kis method. Keep it simple or if you watch the office keep it simple stupid! The better you get the more you’ll be able to do! Gotta crawl before you run