Hi guys,
I was hoping someone could give me clarification on how early I can start run my oscilatting fan in my tent. All of my autos have just sprouted and one is over a week old now. I'm sticking to the humidity levels recommended for this stage (65%-85%) in Chris's book, and I saw a little bit of mildew in the tent today. I know an oscilatting fan can help prevent this but I wanted to make sure not to harm the new sprouts. TIA!
Did you get water drops on them? that’s what it looks like to me
Here is what one of the sprouts looks like, I think it's mild powdery mildew on the leaves:
Sweet, thanks Dale and Brandon. I'll just make sure they don't blow on the new sprouts for another week or so then. I appreciate the responses!
I keep mine on all the time to help with heat. Seedling stage I just don't point it at them.
I keep mine on all the time from start to finish if there small just keep it on the other side the tent