Apparently Ellis and Dee (LSD autos) wanted to become basketball players ... I'm in week 6, are they done stretching or wat. Top left of zoomed out pic there's a branch stretching to the moon like doge.. More importantly on the close up picture you can see the stringy whitish yellow strands coming from the flower site, will the bud fatten up to be about that size? Im gunna call them pistols... Idk but they are sprouting and I'm wondering if this is a sign that the buds will fatten or what happens to those??

White pistils indicate early flowering stage. The buds will continue to grow and fatten up.
why so big? Good genetics, good grow medium, good nutrition, etc.
Btw yellow spots idc about.. I'm pretty sure it happened from nutrient lock out. I'm doing hydro and let my pH get to 7.2 or so😭 but live and learn. First grow.