newer grower here. after scramble researching lots and slight experience and some advice from friends this is what I’ve come up with as a potting mix for teenage plant will this work?
2parts ocean forest
1part happy frog
10-25% worm castings
25-35% perlite
Sprinkle two tablespoons of myco in the hole and on the rootball ur transplanting into
Azomite add 1 tbsp per gallon of soil mix total
Looks pretty good, but IMO it's a bit heavy in perlite. I'd do 10% perlite max and 10%, maybe 15% max worm castings along with the FoxFarm Ocean Forest / FoxFarm Happy Frog mix.
This will be 2nd grow. First one I did hp promix with remo nutrients and didn’t love the combo. Wouldve been better to do promix ammendEd with worm castings and other food or straight coco
I agree, it’s my first time as well and I’m going into flower friday. I used fox farm soil and added extra perlite only for better drainage. I’m using fox farm nutes as well, but I literally haven’t even used any yet. the soil still has food in it so no need to spend mad money on shit u won’t really need. Already did that lol. Invest in ppm and ph meter most importantly so u can read the run off and feeding. this Is my opinion and what’s been working for me so far. Everyone had different variables so it’s up to you to feel it out. good luck brother and happy growing.
hi . my advice to you since you are a new grower is to keep it as simple as you can cause when the problems start coming you will not be able to troubleshoot. what you say above has a problem in my opinion . the ocean forest and happy frog are allready preammended with perlite and worm castings etc. so by adding additional you will break the ratios of things and you will land in a sea of problems regarding PH , nutrient uptake etc etc.
im not an expert this is just my opinion . others more advanced might help you more