hard to say just what the cause is -- looks like you have in regular dirt in back yard -- i did one in same manor and yes i did have lots of problems with discoloration of leaves -- one part of mine was those little pests most kids call pill bugs - potato bugs - at night they like to climb stalks and crunch under the leaves -- this can also be said for the spider mites as well with close to same looks. for the pill bugs i took some painters tape and did a upside down band around the stems -- this did help alot in control and getting rid of them, for the spider thing it was lots harder to keep watch every day so i with treat every couple of days or so. ( a mix of 1 tbs of apple cider vinegar 1/4 tsp of peppermint oil to about 16 oz of water and sprayed
this did help but still had tinted leaves -- tried some miracle grow for tomato's -- vegetables over the next several weeks -- this again did help some but not alot as the dirt had so many other bugs and grubs that loved the roots, not to mention other contaminates from surrounding area, got lots of runoff from other weed killers and pesticides, the dirt was like hard clay when dry and full of cracks.
not like good top soil like most farmers like to have for the crops grown -- but i tried anyhow and in the end failed, tried to save by transplanting and bringing them in -- a few did not make it and a couple did and was very poor in size and looks,
i placed in a meg-shift containment -- plant is at 4 1/2 to 5 months old and this was the result i had from standard backyard grow -- lasted about 3 more weeks and just went completely belly up.
yes i will do it again but make lots of changes for it as well -- make my own pit and block it off from most of the surroundings like a small in ground pool or winter storage for box turtles, plant looks healthy for most part so don't give up.
very possible on nitrogen loss with the little grass piles close by trying to grow as well but again its a guess -- heck i still would try using some dish soap mixed in the feeding - like 4 to 6 drops per gallon and do a slow water feed - this will help on some ground pests that go for roots, but try in small doses to see if it will do the trick or not -- might take a couple of weeks before you see changes.
just some things i have done personally so i had to give something to think about and try but not all at once lol lol
hard to say just what the cause is -- looks like you have in regular dirt in back yard -- i did one in same manor and yes i did have lots of problems with discoloration of leaves -- one part of mine was those little pests most kids call pill bugs - potato bugs - at night they like to climb stalks and crunch under the leaves -- this can also be said for the spider mites as well with close to same looks. for the pill bugs i took some painters tape and did a upside down band around the stems -- this did help alot in control and getting rid of them, for the spider thing it was lots harder to keep watch every day so i with treat every couple of days or so. ( a mix of 1 tbs of apple cider vinegar 1/4 tsp of peppermint oil to about 16 oz of water and sprayed
this did help but still had tinted leaves -- tried some miracle grow for tomato's -- vegetables over the next several weeks -- this again did help some but not alot as the dirt had so many other bugs and grubs that loved the roots, not to mention other contaminates from surrounding area, got lots of runoff from other weed killers and pesticides, the dirt was like hard clay when dry and full of cracks.
not like good top soil like most farmers like to have for the crops grown -- but i tried anyhow and in the end failed, tried to save by transplanting and bringing them in -- a few did not make it and a couple did and was very poor in size and looks,
i placed in a meg-shift containment -- plant is at 4 1/2 to 5 months old and this was the result i had from standard backyard grow -- lasted about 3 more weeks and just went completely belly up.
yes i will do it again but make lots of changes for it as well -- make my own pit and block it off from most of the surroundings like a small in ground pool or winter storage for box turtles, plant looks healthy for most part so don't give up.
very possible on nitrogen loss with the little grass piles close by trying to grow as well but again its a guess -- heck i still would try using some dish soap mixed in the feeding - like 4 to 6 drops per gallon and do a slow water feed - this will help on some ground pests that go for roots, but try in small doses to see if it will do the trick or not -- might take a couple of weeks before you see changes.
just some things i have done personally so i had to give something to think about and try but not all at once lol lol