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Growing autoflowers indoors

Growing autoflowers indoors is great for beginners since those plants finish quickly and you don't need to adjust their light cycle to make them flower.

PissDrunx0420 is currently growing several autoflower plants in his indoor garden. He has 5 Thunder Haze autoflower plants that are on day 32 and also has 8 Dark Dragon autoflower plants on day 14. The Thunder Haze plants are starting to stretch quite a bit and have already begun flowering!

In a few of his grow pots, he is using the same coco coir that he used during his last grow. Although, he is not impressed with how those plants are doing so he doesn't recommend reusing your growing medium more than one time. For his next grow, he may create and use a super soil. In the video below he shows off his indoor garden and also gets into more details about growing autoflowers indoors.

Check out his video here:

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