Hello friends. Happy Friday. First grow here. Tent is 4 ft tall. This gal is a Northern Lights Auto that sprouted through a 3 gal. grow bag filled with Fox Farm Ocean Forest. It sprouted 20 days ago and has only been fed RO water. Got some spots here that I’d love some thoughts on. I feel certain that I haven’t overwatered. PH was a little low at the beginning of the week but was at 6.5 today. PPM was 390 on Tuesday. Is this something I need to worry about and act upon? Thank you for reading!!!

Random marking like that are normal and usually nothing to worry about. Check fan and heater placement because that one leaf kind of looks like wind burn or damage from a heater being too close.
Hi, it might be the start of a calcium deficiency maybe? I'm thinking that because it sounds like you have good soil and you have the PH under control.
I believe the RO water might be a little light in minerals and you may need to add CalMag.
Also sort of looks like it might be wind burn, do you have any fans really close?
Either way it looks pretty minor and you caught it really quick so you should be good! Maybe wait to see if anyone else here has any opinions before you go making changes, I could be way off base.