Hi , I’m sorry if this is a dumb question about the AC Infinity Cloudline T4.
I have trouble controlling humidity. The little dehumidifier I currently have just isn’t up to the job. Could it be just as simple as buying the AC infinity fan, figuring out the control settings and no more humidity issues?
My 2x2 is set up in the garage, where humidity as you could understand, I have little control over. I do have the tent set up where it pulls fresh air from outside the garage, and exhausts the hot air several meters away from the tent, but not outside.
Is this AC Infinity fan the missing link in fixing my humidity problems or would I need a bigger dehumidifier that may struggle to fit in the tent if to big. This is my current set up if I’ve attached the picture right.
Cheers Sam.

Hello mate. I can’t run anything from upstairs to downstairs unfortunately.
Normally temps can sit anywhere between 22-28 degrees or shoot to mid thirties in a heatwave, but summer is almost over here so hopefully less grow issues with the heat.
A decent humidifier and dehumidifier is next on the list of things still to acquire.
Thanks for taking the time to reply as well.
Could you draw air in from a part of the house that is lived in. AS that air has the Co2 of your people breathing it out. could be a little cooler in summer and give warmth in the tent in winter.
Also what temps you running at. Higher temps hold less moisture. so if your running LED's you could try insulating the tent with some blankets on top to keep some heat in at night.
The laundry is probably the problem if there is a tumble dryer or wet washing drying. if you can vent the laundry but seal up the rest of the garage as much as you can, so your humidifier is drying out the air within the garage better., then that would all help as you have a few issues causing this.
PS Like was explained above By Chris. Dehumidifier in the outer room....but humidifier when needed inside the Grow tent.
Also, If you are pulling fresh air from outside than you are always gonna humidity issues when it is humid outside.
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Hello mate, thanks for the response. Humidity can sit consistently in the 80’s and above during summer. Currently getting smashed by rain and lots of local areas are flooding. Scenes not seen round here since a flood in 2011.Makes it tough to dry the plant I had in the tent before the new grow. I have a dehumidifier, but it’s not great. I will have to invest in a model a size or two up from what I’m using at the moment.At the end of Summer here now so hopefully the worst of it has passed. Will definitely have to look at something before another summer rolls round.
You'll want to control the air in the room the grow tent is in so that way the air coming into the grow tent is in the proper ranges - temperature and humidity. If your RH in that space is high, then a dehumidifier is most likely your only option. How high of RH are we talking?