What auto settings to y'all use for your AC Infinity?
I know everyone is different based on location and environment but I'm curious. I live in a super low humidity south west desert area. I wish the settings allowed it to run always at 1 and then ramp up when it neared one of the limits but sadly it doesn't :(
This controler is only for "AC Infinity" products ?
If you have the t6 then it comes with the controller 67, to have it constantly running at 1 then ramp up when a parameter is hit you need to go to the off setting and set that to fan speed 1, then go to the on setting and set your maximum speed you want I use 7 as mine are oversized, then go to the auto setting and set your parameters high Temp and high humidity then on low temp and low humidity set those to 0. Then press menu button till you get back to auto and your done, this will when in the auto setting do as you want, it will be constantly on fan speed 1 then when it hits its trigger it will ramp up to what you have set it too. Hope this
That's exactly what I was looking for! Thanks. I just need to decide whether to justify $50 for the minimum speed function or keep living with what I have.
I had a chat with Issac at AC about this. Us grow folk want the 67 controller, NOT the standard T6 controller. It is more for warehouse use where it only comes on at the setting, not constant air exchange at same time. The 67 unit allows for that specificity.
82°F high and my RH changes depending on the stage my plant is in.