This is my first time using Blumat. This is week 2 of flower of a 12 seed pack. Culled to Two females, two males RareDankness GrapeOX.
As you can see I am about to seal up for the next 9 weeks and it occured to me that I might want to get some advice. I have been using the Blumat for a couple weeks and I want to make sure that I WONT need to adjust the valves during the grow? Opening up mid open pollenation is a headache.
Thanks as always.

You may want to periodically check on them anyways just to be sure all is good. I have had a few times were lines were clogged randomly and plants dried up.
You don’t need a timer for the Blumat system. It releases the internal valve when the Blumat carrot is dry. This releases the water to the plant as needed. It’s a really cool system once you get it dialed in. That’s the tricky part.
Is that watering on a timer ?????
No I don’t. I use an aquarium pump with rock filter to prevent algae in the res and have not had any issues with gunk. I will say if using a pH-ing agent that is granular then you will start seeing a build up in the tank. I switch mine to a liquid version and this resolved my problem.
I have the Blumat system and have used it numerous times. If you are for sure dialed in with the drippers and the carrot valve, then all should be good to go. Now one thing I would suggest if you haven’t already done so is placing a cut off valve at the bucket or reservoir. This will allow you to control the flow of the water coming into the tent and not flood the floor when one Blumat goes rogue.