Hi to all and thanks for all the help that i have got in here. my problem is that after day 60 to 65 from seed i notice yellowing of the bottom leaves that moves upwards. in organic grows and non organic grows . what can i do to counter it? could you please advise me ?
in the liquid fertilizer grows i imagine i need to increase the flora nute but im not sure. on the organic ones what do i do ? i tried to topdress with bat guano and also make bat guano tea but i didnt notice anything. the yellowing keeps coming up. i also thought to up the N but i dont know if this will hurt the bud development. maybe this is natural since the harvest is near? im first time grower can you please advice? thank you. tried to make a foto of this but it comes out more green than it actually is. i hope you understand what i mean

yes thats it . will give it a try and report