So I am starting some new seedlings in Fox Farm Ocean soil and I was thinking if I used clear solo cups I could watch the root growth. I know the light is bad for the nutes in hydro but I wont be adding anything while the are in the cups since I am using FFOS. Micro problems, root health, ect. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
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i have used coke bottles ( clear ) and yes its very cool to see the roots and the development as well - but at same time one will see great looking roots but a couple of days later those roots will turn yellow and just rot away
i feel like the roots are like a fungus that needs total darkness for explosive results - i have yet to try green colored bottles in the future to see the differences in root growth - kinda like a good beer - green or amber to help preserve the flavor from turning sour
if you like to see root growth then i would suggest a fogged plastic where one could just barely see the signs of roots - this i have and do use currently in my grows ( 20Lb clumping cat litter container ) but i do have a cloth sleeve to help with most of the light to be more safe if there is a potential problem that might happen