Hello everyone! New to the site but not a noob. I’ve been following Chris for quite sometime and use his knowledge daily. I’m using Dr. Earth dry amendment. Here is my issue, there’s a tea recipe on the back and I wanted to use it two weeks after top dressing with there all purpose line. I emailed Dr. Earth and there simple reply was that I can use the tea recipe anytime during the grow.... that concerned me considering it is the same exact product that I top dressed with. fast forward to today. I made the tea and the ppm is 1442! Should I dilute?? Or should I just scratch the tea all together and just follow the top dressing schedule provided by Dr. Earth? I have been on every forum known to herbalists and I cannot even come close to achieving my answer. My ladies are hungry and thirsty so I hope I can find an answer fast and the first person I should have came to is Mr. Grow It and his entourage of amazing growers... WW in week 3 of flower.

I let my nerves get to me and I dumped it in my outdoor compost and went back to the drawing board. After much research I’ve decided to simplify and stick with my original tea recipe. I have a habit of overthinking sometimes but I take that as a good thing because I usually learn quite a lot as a result. Thank you for taking your time out of your busy busy schedule to reply to all of us! Sending my warm wishes to your father and family! Thank you again