i am not sure if anyone has ever done or tried to grow with Black Lights Only ? - i did this years ago with fair results -- at time i did not know much on the light cycles and Nutrients so i grew as just any regular plant
as the Winter season is approaching i am going to gear up for two different grows one of them being just straight Black Light and the other as normal - both will get the same Fox Farm Nutrients and Light Cycle
i will be just as curious as you during this winter to see how things turn out ? -- years ago i did this and had for a couple of months and was doing really well - but i made one mistake
my mistake was not closing up tightly and one day i found things open and scattered all over the place - it looked like a bomb went off and the entire area was covered in dirt and just a giant mess
the cause was one of my cats got in and had a field day with the entire grow - i guess cat liked better than cat nip as to any other plants i had , the cat made every attempt possible to get at em
i do want to try this again and see what the final results will be - so has anyone ever tried this as well ? if so i would appreciate your feedback or input -- as for this i am going to modify my standup shower stall into a meg - shift grow chamber
no i do not know the names or strains of the seeds i have so it will really be fun to see just what happens - i hope to try and get this all started and going within the next 40 to 45 days for the winter and possible Christmas Harvest and leftovers will be for the New Year
Thank You All and Peace with Growers Luv
a small update to things as i go
I setup my shower stall up as a grow chamber in just a few simple steps
first did all the cleaning needed - then I took a Emergency Tent and stretched along the top portion of the shower, while doing so i just used normal tape to hold it up and in place then took a Emergency Blanket and did the same thing while sliding it under the top section.
Areas that did not get covered i did have a extra Emergency Blanked and cut that to fit those areas and again just used normal tape, I now then looked at the ceiling for the best place to hook up my lights and hangers - just went with a open hook style so i could use different hangers for the different lights in a universal manor.
I did this very cheaply, the cost was about 16 dollars ( 1 tent and 2 blankets ) and some change, and standard 2 foot Black Light about 13 dollars plus this room stays fairly constant with temperature the range is from 68 to 70 at lowest to around
76 to 78 at its highest and this is with the light and regular heat vent in the room going
during the winter time.
It also does work great for the Summer time as well and still with good readings on temps, ranged from 72 to 74 at lowest and up to 81 to 83 at its highest on a 94 degree day out.
as over the past few years i have used this and its been a blessing, both as a short and long term grow booth.
But this time I am using this for the Frankenstein Grow with nothing but Black Light
only, here below are the fast setup of the shower / chamber pictures.

Bummer. Well it happens. At least the cats got a little joy out of it lol
had a major upset - with all the time and slow going things did not go as planned - they started to Flower and it was not a good sign - they turned out to be two male plants - so i will have to start over
once i seen the not so cute pollen sacks i just set them in the room and let the cats have their day of fun
i will be restarting this same grow over next month after i get a few things fixed up and washed - i was looking for a fun time with this grow
so now my attention is on my Budget grow for the time being
here is the new picture and this is about 2 days after popping the center ( complete top prune )
here is the smaller one of the two -- yes they are looking very healthy and full of vibrant Green
yes i will agree that these pictures are not good quality as i do not have my better camera ready
so here is the height difference as they are right now - and yes they are starting to really give that nice skunkish smell in the mornings -one will not notice unless you open the booth for feeding or checking on the moisture of the soil - between 5 and 8 inches tall
this is still a great grow even though it should not happen or take place the way it is
the only thing i really have done was to boost some of the nutrients up a bit more that what the schedule requires
1 week later and now i am really starting to see alot of difference in the growth -
still feeding from the bottom - yes even to my surprise they look dam Healthy for just being in Blacklight
have to get new fan as old one finally went kaput lol lol
Frankenstein is still showing good results even though its very slow
here i thought they would be a bit bigger in size all the way around but after about 1 month i guess things are going good
the taller one is about 5 inches tall and the shorter one about 3 1/2 tall
they both look healthy just for using a Blacklight for the grow
yes its does go beyond what we know about light spectrum's but here is the living proof it does work - at this rate it just might be a year or longer for full size to arrive
i know its very hard to see just using the Blacklight
below is with flash
with steady temps at 72 and humidity at 82%
it does look like they are gaining growth -- it sure is very slow in any kind of results in the time frame of about 30 days
this i think will go into about a year grow to get anywhere with a good size plant - but i am willing to stick it out no matter the time it takes to mature
here it is another 5 days later and not much of a change but they do see to be getting a bit bigger - yes its seems a hell of alot slower on the grow than under normal conditions with proper equipment
just slightly bigger but not by much - i will be adding in a support for the taller one in the next day or two // does seem like they are now getting the spurt for life and trying to show just what it might possible turn into
yes it is very rough just using a blacklight as the only source - in the next week or so i will be doing a new set just to really see what a correct light will do and compare them as to the overall growth from first soil breaking to ?
i do hope many are interested in this little experiment and the results that come about - once again i am feeding from the bottom so i do not crush or harm the roots or main stalk - this is about a 1 gal plastic pitcher that had a bad crack in the bottom so i put in extra holes for drainage and feeding
sorry all went to help a friend get started with his own grow and ended up with some personal health issues that took longer than i thought
i was out of town and left a friend check in on things well i do not think things went so well ?
and i do not blame my buddy for the loss as i feel he tried to do what he thought was best without really knowing how or what to do for correct nutrients mixes or feeding right amounts ? or not at all hmm - even possible that the timer power got turned off so they had no light at all
i am trying to get back into the game after my health scare and well ? things seemed good but when i got back to look in on Frankenstein it was a sorry sight to see - from a total of 5 i put in grow only two have made it - the other three i guess got over fed - or fed from the top and not the bottom plate so i guess the roots got crushed or locked of nutrients from possible over feeding by accident
i cant be mad this happened as i even thought it might happen at some point personally to me
as i also did not expect them to be like normal grows by the second week they should be a good little spud with a couple of nodes up and starting to fill out in size
i do blame this on the light spectrum of the balcklight ONLY making them twiggy and just like a scrawny beanstalk lol lol -- i do have two left for the Mad Grow to continue despite the loss of the other three --
oops horrible pics as in my neck of the woods we had some HELL Weather with Severe TORNADO Warnings plus very - extremely close to where i live - i did things in a hurry before we lost power possibly
oops i did not mention that these came up about the 28th to 30th by doing the water soak on the seeds -- i guess for what it is they are doing great
sorry but a day late or so but got good news -- the following day on more broke the surface - i have also now reset the Blacklight to about 10 inches from the top rim of the pots
today in now the third day since planting - and again good news the third one is now making it appearance
here are all three below - i do expect string bean stretching during this grow due to the actual lighting factor being used - so far off to a good start
in the next couple of days i will be adding a fan - be starting with a low volume oscillating - to slowly work on getting them strong -- again the temp and humidity are holding from low range at 71 to high at 76 - the humidity from low at 52% to a high of 63%
with these temps and humidity i do not expect to be feeding very often as the medium stays fairly moist for 11 to 15 days ( just from past trials of grows in the same booth / shower stall ) again i will be feeding by dish or small bowl under the pots and let them suck up the nutrients as needed
today was the end of the 48 hours of darkness and started with the blacklight on a 16 / 8 light cycle
as of right now i do not have the light very close its like 3 feet above - once all have sprouted i will lower the light then to about 14 inches and let things go
also some great news is finally have 1 out of three that popped the soil for the Frankenstein Grow
lets see just what happens over the next few days , and still having a good control over temp and humidity - with a steady temp around 75 and the humidity about 65% - humidity might be high by some but i will just let it be as the soil does stay moist longer with the cooler temp -
i just hope the others show signs of life in the next few days - when they do i will update with anything i found - did - or ? with updated pics
i do hope that you all enjoy this adventure as i will have the pleasure of a demented mind doing so
may the Gods of Grow be with you !
here is the paper towel start after 32 hours we have tap roots -
4 out of 5 seeds took
got 3 of the 4 pots needed but 1 is going a different direction -
will be using Fox Farm Nutrients as i do now have most on the list from their feeding schedule
just plain water from the tap the Ph reading
after added the 6 tsp of Big Bloom and got
not mush change still did not add any Ph Up or Down
then added boomerang 1 tsp
gone down to a very good range that i like and still need to add about 1/4 tsp of Wholly Mackerel
next pic is the final step and reading
this did very well as to keeping a good Ph Balance but i still like to test after every nutrient added to insure i have a good understanding how it effects the balance - still no Up or Down added
yes i did also sprinkle some rooting powder to help with growth in the first few days
3 of the 4 are set here and set the thermometer so i could get a good reading - yes i am using my stand up shower stall as a booth
for the first 48 hours i will keep them in darkness before setting the light to a 16 - 8 cycle - i know its very hard to see the meter but the average is very nice at 73 for a high and 63 for a low
humidity 66/55 high and low -- has been reading this for the past 15 days give or take
Dr. Frankenstein has started his Mentally Demented Mind in this Mad Grow for the Perfect Beast !!
Im interested in seeing what results you have. I would think that spectrum of light would hinder photosynthesis or lead to some sort of deficiency?. Im really interested in what kind of stretch you have. Thanks for taking the time to try. Good luck, happy growing.
today started the germination for the Frankenstein Grow using the ole paper towel method - next day or so i will be doing the water soak and the soil planting - so we shall see what takes place over the next several days
it will be a exciting challenge to see just what takes place
updated with a bit of what i did so far to get things ready for next grow Frankenstein Style
like i had mentioned i did try this back in the early 80's and it seemed to be going good for the time -- everything i have read or seen says its not possible for the light waves as they are not in the correct range or light spectrum -- even thought of using a fish tank aquarium light but that is for another time -- this one is for the Black Light
still i am going to continue with the idea no matter what -- and i will have some pictures along the way as well - from initial setup until ? -- as i do remember from back then the plant sure did have a very unique look under the black light - kinda like a very dark purple reddish -- but in normal light the plant was very dark green and looked very healthy -- until the cat got to the plant Lol Lol
i am not all that concerned about the PAR and other stuff -- my main thing will be the Nutrients with the Black Light -- i just recently ordered the other Nutrients ( Fox Farm ) that is on their feed schedule -- as i only have the main three from Fox Farm and have been happy with the results so this will help i imagine also with my main grow as well
i am very sure it will be a great learning experience as well -- and i do feeling that everyone even Mr Grow It will be very interested in the findings and reading about it with pictures to boot
I haven’t tried this. Seems interesting, it does go against the science behind light spectrums though correct? or does black light cover blue and red spectrums?