i am not sure if anyone has ever done or tried to grow with Black Lights Only ? - i did this years ago with fair results -- at time i did not know much on the light cycles and Nutrients so i grew as just any regular plant
as the Winter season is approaching i am going to gear up for two different grows one of them being just straight Black Light and the other as normal - both will get the same Fox Farm Nutrients and Light Cycle
i will be just as curious as you during this winter to see how things turn out ? -- years ago i did this and had for a couple of months and was doing really well - but i made one mistake
my mistake was not closing up tightly and one day i found things open and scattered all over the place - it looked like a bomb went off and the entire area was covered in dirt and just a giant mess
the cause was one of my cats got in and had a field day with the entire grow - i guess cat liked better than cat nip as to any other plants i had , the cat made every attempt possible to get at em
i do want to try this again and see what the final results will be - so has anyone ever tried this as well ? if so i would appreciate your feedback or input -- as for this i am going to modify my standup shower stall into a meg - shift grow chamber
no i do not know the names or strains of the seeds i have so it will really be fun to see just what happens - i hope to try and get this all started and going within the next 40 to 45 days for the winter and possible Christmas Harvest and leftovers will be for the New Year
Thank You All and Peace with Growers Luv
a small update to things as i go
I setup my shower stall up as a grow chamber in just a few simple steps
first did all the cleaning needed - then I took a Emergency Tent and stretched along the top portion of the shower, while doing so i just used normal tape to hold it up and in place then took a Emergency Blanket and did the same thing while sliding it under the top section.
Areas that did not get covered i did have a extra Emergency Blanked and cut that to fit those areas and again just used normal tape, I now then looked at the ceiling for the best place to hook up my lights and hangers - just went with a open hook style so i could use different hangers for the different lights in a universal manor.
I did this very cheaply, the cost was about 16 dollars ( 1 tent and 2 blankets ) and some change, and standard 2 foot Black Light about 13 dollars plus this room stays fairly constant with temperature the range is from 68 to 70 at lowest to around
76 to 78 at its highest and this is with the light and regular heat vent in the room going
during the winter time.
It also does work great for the Summer time as well and still with good readings on temps, ranged from 72 to 74 at lowest and up to 81 to 83 at its highest on a 94 degree day out.
as over the past few years i have used this and its been a blessing, both as a short and long term grow booth.
But this time I am using this for the Frankenstein Grow with nothing but Black Light
only, here below are the fast setup of the shower / chamber pictures.

Bummer. Well it happens. At least the cats got a little joy out of it lol