I've read alot about drying , I'm on employment insurance, funds are extremely limited. I was reading about drying in a cardboard box ,Jorge Cervantes book.
Made my own version
Canadian tire box 3.00
Humidity controller 30$ used
Humidifier 10$ used
USB fan 3$
I got a larger size box , 2x2 x 3 , cut a hole in side near bottom and placed humidity sensor and humidifier in the box. I used garden wire to create lines inside , filled the box with harvest, drying now for 3 days at 57 rh , looks great , control your drying very easy. Only thing is ,if your concerned about smell add a carbon filter to the room the box sits in. My dryer box is in the bedroom ,wow I wake up to weed smell and goto bed same way lol.

Nice job improvising