im a first time grower and I started on the beginning of feb. as of now I have two that have popped but one looks dry and crinkling. And the other look like it will be the same fate. I’m trying to do a organic grow using sohum with coco and perlite as the starter mix.

The temp is between 75 and 83. The humidity is low I’ll give u that (29%). the height of my Mars hydro is 4ft. I learned from a prev seed that I was burning at 3 ft or lower. I have other plants surviving in these same conditions. And I know we’ll preach genetics but so for (long story short they are both mandarine xl) these xls have been doing bad.
Hi, what's your humidity and temperature at? And what kind of light are you using hung how high?
If it is winter where you are, then it is probably very dry. You could try putting baggies over top of the seedlings and misting the inside a bit. I use the stiff Ziploc sandwich bags as they can stand upside down on their own ... if ya know what I mean. Clear plastic Solo cups also work well.
Good luck!