First grow with earth dust, wanted a medium as plain as possible to see how it works. Using clean topsoil as a base, added peat to make it a little fluffy and hopefully keep it a little acidic, and perlite for oxygen penetration and more balanced watering. I debated some sand for roots to spread out more easy but didn't, maybe next time. Been watering straight from the garden hose and adding recharge every other week. Will be top dressing again in a week with more earth dust. It's still early yet and real test will be in flower, but so far so good.

Outstanding work there Growmie- Cannot argue with outside grow if you can-
What do you do for IPM? You feel safe not getting pollinated from another grow nearby? Some irresponsible person who just lets a male grow out?
There is a 2 liter bottle behind the other two. I got 9 colas like that, the next row down were a little smaller and below that I had colas about the size of my fist. I am super impressed with earth dust. "Disclaimer" lol, I did feed extra potassium the last few weeks.
Well we had a nasty three days of rain and heavy wind, I didn't get out with leaf blower to get some of the water weight off the plants. They all ended up half, whole or partially on the ground. So a hurry up harvest took place. Super bummed I didn't get more flower pics before the crash. But however I have a couple pics of my best finisher in compost with earth dust. I am pleased with all of them but the girlscout cookie in compost with earth dust gave me some super bulky colas, 2 liter bottle size 😁.
Over all I'd say earth dust does what they say, I will definitely be using outdoors a lot and adding it to all my regular gardens being my experiments with those went awesome growing tomatoes and pepper plants over 7 ft tall and are steady producing. I hope they do bulk deals, I'll be investing next spring lol. As soon as I get moved and new grow rooms set up I will trying this out indoors with different mediums.
I did two others in my compost garden, earth dust and straight water. No extras, this was the easiest grow ever for me. I started topping and decided the heck with it and just let them grow how they wanted. I'm very pleased and how healthy they stayed the whole grow, water every couple days was the extent of labor other then adding more earth dust periodically.
These are the other two in same soil mix with same growing issues.
Been a while, very busy getting new property set up for next year. Here she is almost done. Had to drop her in the ground being she got so root bound she starting looking like she had every deficiency possible. I have two other I've done the same with using the same pretty much crap soil mix to see how earth dust does in the worst medium I could ut together. With all three growing was actually simple and very little labor. All had same issues, nitrogen and calcium deficiency, constantly. But they have made it and should ready for harvest in a week or two.
Had our longest day of summer last last week, so top dressed with 4 cups of part B. Only issue so far is I wished I'd used a little more peat to hold moisture longer because I've been having to soak her down every two days and guessing I have about 3 months to go. May have to just put her in the ground and/or end up watering daily. We will see. The picture doesn't do justice to the size she is right now. I have some limbs bent in a U around the top. I will say so far this earth dust has worked great, she is healthy and the ease of just soaking her with garden hose awesome. If she does as good in flower as she has in veg I will be using and recommending it to all my friends for all gardening. I am also using it on a couple other veggies for comparison and so far they are far out growing the plants without it. I already have zucchini formed, which has nothing to do with this forum but I'm impressed.
That looks awesome, nice job!
I gotta tell ya . i do love that you share your experiments .
She looks good! She's going to be a monster. How much longer will she be vegging?
It's a little droopy, just had a half day of heavy rain.