I am about to test a theory. A star is more than light. It also produces its own sound. I'm going to pump the Sun's frequency into my grow tent and observe. 126.22 Hz
My study is based on sound frequencies of our star. Maybe I should change the title. It has been proven that plants respond to sound and intent. Since our star produces sound, it makes logical sense that plants must need that frequency for growth. I doubt artificial lights produce the same amplitude or frequency of the sun. So I'm adding that frequency to my grow. Again this study would produce more effective results if started from germination. For now I'm supplementing that frequency but plan an in depth study shortly. It can't possibly hurt. Ironically our star's frequency is the same used to energize the Solar Plexus. Do you see the correlation?
I need to find a cheap bluetooth speaker that can handle the humidity. For now I'm testing an hour a day (only when lights are on) with the tv. Search yt for the frequency. The real research will start with my next crop. I'm already into flower at the moment. I'd like to see the effect from germination. See if it encourages growth, leaf development.
I need to find a cheap bluetooth speaker that can handle the humidity. For now I'm testing an hour a day (only when lights are on) with the tv. Search yt for the frequency.
I commented on their channel. I'll wait for their response.
This video kind of relates to what you're talking about. Music for plants 😉
Yes i understand.
what frequency does your light put out / run at?
I need to find a cheap bluetooth speaker that can handle the humidity. For now I'm testing an hour a day (only when lights are on) with the tv. Search yt for the frequency. The real research will start with my next crop. I'm already into flower at the moment. I'd like to see the effect from germination. See if it encourages growth, leaf development.
I need to find a cheap bluetooth speaker that can handle the humidity. For now I'm testing an hour a day (only when lights are on) with the tv. Search yt for the frequency.
Let us know how it goes