Iv been trying to germinate 2 seeds now doing the paper towel trick
first soaked them for 24 hours they sunk. Then put onto a paper towel folded now in the airing cupboard been in there 3 days a nothing has happen.
should i just wait or try more seeds?
No,I dont use any specific fertilizer. I re-ammend my soil between runs. I will sprinkle some "Recharge" in the hole before the seed, but thats it.
@Tony I appoligize bro .. I was actually directing a question to gregthe357. I know nothing about biobiz nor do I use synthetics. Sorry for the confusion.
@gregthe357 Your using earth dust correct? Do you line the soil with anything before transplant?
Sorry for the 2nd post I forgot the "@"
Help get that helmet head, if it doesn't come off on its own. And careful with the paper towel that you use to germinate, If you use the good two ply kind then the tap root will actually grow into the towel. I've had that happen to me. Now adaze I put the seed straight in the soil of the pot I finish in. No water soak, no paper towel, no delicate handling of seeds with tap roots. My germination rate is the same as when I did all that stuff. Mother nature doesn't use paper towels ;).
when the tap root is about 1/2 inch long should be safe
After 5 days in a paper towel we have some growth finally, now how long to wait before I plant it??
when ive Germinated in paper towels, best thing is to saturate the towel, squeeze just a tad bit of the water out and place the seed in the middle, fold the towel and stick it in a baggy, place it somewhere cool and dark then check it in a few days. I have only ever had 1 not pop after about 3 days from the 20 ish ive popped so far! hope this helps a little there
What do you mean by "hero to seeds" ?
is the paper towel still just damp ? not dry or seeds sitting in a puddle of water ?