Hi. So, this is my first indoor grow and I'm using Gaia green amendments in fox farm 70/30 coco. This is the 2nd transplant from 1gal to 3gal. I transplanted Oct 27th & this is the state of my plants now, 11/1. About to start week 5 veg. I figured they would be feeding off the new nutrients by now, I have no idea what is going on. Water PH is between 6.2 to 6.8 & no other amendments have been used, just the 4-4-4. Does it look like they need calcium? Not really sure what to do, help me help them
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You are using dry amendments so PPM won't be overly informational unless I'm mistaken. If you are in week 5 I assume you have already re-amended? You will only get a few weeks in 3 gals. Also, growing in smaller containers, organically you will be chasing deficencies. You can generally handle them with ACTs (compost tea) or soluable nutrients. Also, amend early and often, it takes weeks for dry amendments to break down. GL with your grow!!
What is the pH and PPM of the soil runoff?
Hi, I'm not sure if that is a calcium issue or not but I would still suggest adding in CalMag just in case. It's hard to go wrong with CalMag in veg.
Some of the spots look they might be from a PH issue. When growing in Coco the PH should be in the 5.5-6.5 range. You might want to check the calibration on your PH meter just in case.
Just a couple of things to think about.
Good luck