week 2 day 3 of flower. fox farm ocean forest/happy frog. Fabric pots On pot elevators. good airflow and temps 70-77 for day down to low of 65 at night but average of 68 night tem. Feeding half strength fox farm trio every other watering according To feeding chart.
There’s a couple leafs like this on the bottom of my plant in areas where they’re not getting much light. Newer growth up top and in middle looks Good, seems like it’s growing at a good speed and making me move up the lights every other day. two wateringa ago I forgot to ph and gave plain water at probably 7.5-8 ph, every other water has been 6.2-6.5. Any idea what’s causing this ?
They look amazing! That is a pretty dense foliage so not surprised you are getting some dead leaves on the bottom. In week 3 of flower, do a little trimming to expose your bud sites to the light and clear out the undergrowth a bit. Pest and molds love a lot of cover and shade.
Thanks for the help guys. I was getting just a little worried this being my first cannabis grow and all. You guys rule!
They look happy and healthy. If some of the lower leaves die off because they aren't receiving light, that's normal.
I'm thinking it's just a light issue vs dense foliage issue. Usually I will remove the leaves from the lower 1/3 of the plant a week or so before I flip to flower, then at week 3 of flower I will trim to expose covered bud sites.
Sounds like you have done some trimming so I think you are on the right track. Maybe wait to week 3 when the bud sites are showing and do a big trim then.
I use the dancing monkey method ... ok I just made that up. I have a toy monkey with a little solar panel and the monkey dances when the light hits it. It the monkey isn't dancing the the foliage is too thick.
I did a bit of trimming the bottom but have not done any trimming besides removing dead or dying leafs from the bottom since the flip.
thanks for the response, by the time I got home my plants were sleeping so I had to wait till this morning to Post
Sounds like you have every thing covered and a little hic-up with the PH shouldn't cause problems. Can you get us a shot of your plant showing top to bottom? I'm thinking they are not getting enough light on the lower leaves maybe, but would need to see the whole plant. Did you do any lollipopping?