Thanks for the education. My growing experience has been sporadic and haphazard over decades. I have never encountered a banana pollen sack. This is my first serious effort. I’m growing from some seeds recovered from a local Jamaican strain that was quite potent. The three plants I have have vegged a full canopy…I could really get rid of one. Flipping to flower in a few days….hoping for the best.
While undo stress can influence the sex determination, from the info I have been able to gather, it’s a crap shoot with non feminized seeds.…statistical probability of a 50-50 split. I’m hoping to identify the males after the first week of flower and trash them.
@brotto you are only thinking of 1 type of hermie. There are 2, technically. One will show both traits at the same time (both pistils and pollen sacs on one plant). The other will throw out bananas in the middle of a bunch of pistils and start pollination almost immediately. There is no prevention for the second type other than providing perfect growing conditions. Even still, the genetic code may still tell that plant to throw bananas in like week 4 (which is obviously a terrible trait). Only guarantee against hermies is stable genetics that you or others have tested and confirmed to be true females and making sure your grow is dialed in.
I’m about to flip three very vegetative plants in a 2x4 to flower. If I see any pollen pods forming on any of them…they are toast. Hoping for two of three to be female.
@brotto it's the bananas you don't see that will get you. Kinda like pests, usually by the time you are seeing them it is too late. The most important thing you can do is figure out what YOU did to cause it.
I looked for like 30 minutes skipping around videos but I would have to watch them all the way through to find it. It wasn't something that was talked about in any great detail, I do remember that much. I rewatch the videos when I run on my treadmill though. I will post it if I come across it.
Thanks for the education. My growing experience has been sporadic and haphazard over decades. I have never encountered a banana pollen sack. This is my first serious effort. I’m growing from some seeds recovered from a local Jamaican strain that was quite potent. The three plants I have have vegged a full canopy…I could really get rid of one. Flipping to flower in a few days….hoping for the best.
While undo stress can influence the sex determination, from the info I have been able to gather, it’s a crap shoot with non feminized seeds.…statistical probability of a 50-50 split. I’m hoping to identify the males after the first week of flower and trash them.
My next grow will be from feminized seeds.
I’m about to flip three very vegetative plants in a 2x4 to flower. If I see any pollen pods forming on any of them…they are toast. Hoping for two of three to be female.
I looked for like 30 minutes skipping around videos but I would have to watch them all the way through to find it. It wasn't something that was talked about in any great detail, I do remember that much. I rewatch the videos when I run on my treadmill though. I will post it if I come across it.
Nanners? You can pluck them off or kill the plant.
Being that far along I would prolly just ride it out. Not much else you can do now.