my current outdoor grow had a branch break two Weeks ago. It’s a small one from the first node that I’m not too concerned about losing. However, all of the videos and reading I’ve done has taught me how to try and save it by taping and supporting, but no one has said How to get rid of it.
It is severely wilted but not dried up. i just don’t want the plant wasting any more unnecessary energy on trying to save it.
I am currently I’m veg for about 3 more weeks. This is a Blue Gelato 41. The branch in question is fairly thin compared to the others around it.
Should I cut it off at the base and tape it up? Or leave it exposed? leave it as is? All help and suggestions are appreciated.

I would cut it off at the base and leave it exposed. It will heal.
Just cut that thing off. No need for any bandage or anything.