I'm in the desert and I'm trying to pre-emptively be ready for the upcoming summer heat. Arizona so it will always be over over 100, with some days over 110. I'm growing in my garage which for some reason does not have a single vent. Mr. Grow It has said he simply doesn't grow in the summer. I won't going forward, but I'll be towards the end of flowering this year whether I like it or not.
What I have going for me:
- Inline fan to move air at set temperatures
- Two oscillating fans moving air 24/7
- Running lights at night and have them off during the day
- Humidifier (desert has this as a requirement) is a cool version
What I have working against me:
- Arizona heat
- HUGE lung room as it is an extended 3 car garage
- Zero vents in the garage... Strange, I know.
I'd rather not cool the entire garage because it's a large 3 car garage and the doors are not insulated... although all other walls and ceiling are. Since it is so dry, a swamp cooler/evaporative cooler is a definite possibility and likely more cost effective than AC units. I'd rather not have to install a vent as I'm not a carpenter and I'd have to hire someone.
I'm also concerned on how to do the drying... Reddit always suggest 60/60 and Mr. Grow It's book suggests 55-60% and ~70 F... all of which seem extremely difficult to achieve in southwest summers. I would greatly appreciate tips here as well!
Thanks in advance for anyone's help, experience, or suggestions!
Unfortunately, cooling is most likely going to be required. The plant will grow in high temps but you'll most likely encounter heat stress. Wish I had a better answer for you.
For drying, you'll get similar results doing 60/60 as 55-60% @ 70F. So don't worry too much about that variance. I only worry if I'm over 75F as that is when I notice a negative effect.
Maybe you could hang plastic or something (tarp, ect.) partially seal off a section of the garage? It wouldn't be efficient or anything but it would make it easier for you to cool down your grow space. @DeWolf