i had airstones to begin with, have since gotten an air pump. im using advanced nutes, with the perfect pH...i have since read that u should mix batch well before feeding...have an RO system for water, ppm was around 900 time of test experiment. GH pH up & down.
thank you so much!! im sorry i didnt respond sooner, been on vaca :)
I'd need more info to answer this properly... Do you have an air-pump or air stones in the reservoir? Are there nutrients in the water or just plain water? What is the PPM of the reservoir? Lastly, what are you using to adjust the pH? Please be specific - i.e. phosphoric acid for pH down.
Did switching from airstones to air pump help?
i had airstones to begin with, have since gotten an air pump. im using advanced nutes, with the perfect pH...i have since read that u should mix batch well before feeding...have an RO system for water, ppm was around 900 time of test experiment. GH pH up & down.
thank you so much!! im sorry i didnt respond sooner, been on vaca :)
I'd need more info to answer this properly... Do you have an air-pump or air stones in the reservoir? Are there nutrients in the water or just plain water? What is the PPM of the reservoir? Lastly, what are you using to adjust the pH? Please be specific - i.e. phosphoric acid for pH down.