I flipped to flower about 3 weeks ago (Dec 21st) - up until then I had no issues. Then about a week ago I noticed little spots on my plants. I hoped they would just go away but theyve gotten progressively worse
Each plant seems like its having a seperate issue. I believe it may be some kind of deficiency or lockout but am not sure. Plant #1 I have no idea what it is. I rubbed plant #2 to see if the orange stuff was rust fungus as far as I could tell none of it rubbed off onto my finger
Heres some more basic info for context
*Strain: Colorado Gas Can from Hoku Seed Co
*Indoor Grow
*Soil is Fox farm ocean forest in 7 gal pots
*Size of grow tent is 5x5
*Light: Mars Hydro TS3000
*Light distance from the top of plants: ~24 inches
*Temperature: Lights on 75-78 deg. Lights off ~71-69 deg. (We recently had a cold snap which brought the temps down to low 60's)
*Humidity: typically averages around 50%. I checked my sensor data and noticed recent drops to 39%
*PH of medium not tested
*PPM of medium not tested
*No signs of pests
*How often are you watering? Watering approximately 1/4 gallon of water per plant every 3-4 days
*Type and strength of nutrients used: GH Trio bottled nutrients. I started with light feed during veg and cut the recommended dose in half. During flower I used the medium feed and went with the full amount of recommended dose

Apologies for the late reply. I'm a midnight shift guy. Looks like Cam Z has you sorted out properly. He knows his stuff for sure. I've had to seek his knowledge a time or two myself ;)
Are you feeding calmag? It looks like magnesium toxcixity. From the dark green growth it's probably a bit of a lockout. Half strength feed and get the ph and they should be fine.
Definitely test the ph and ppm of your medium. Also what kind of water are you using ? Tap, R/O, rainwater ? The tips of your plant look ok, so I'm leaning toward a magnesium deficiency and possibly your light is a little too close and cooking the plants. Gets us the ph and ppm of your medium and we can help out further.