So I have yet to start a grow - I’m at the learning / gathering info stage - I haven’t even purchased the equipment yet.
But what happens with the left-overs - the clippings, stems, roots, and especially the dirt!? Just bag it all up and toss it in the garbage!?
I understand that clippings can be used to make edibles (which presents me with a whole new avenue of learning).
It seems like it would be a waste to just dispose of the soil. But, dirt is NOT dirt cheap - and I assume it can be reused somehow (composted?) along with the roots - stems / leaves. Which brings me another avenue of leaning... how to make good useable compost.
What do most people do with the waste / by-products of their grows? Eapecially dirt / coco / or other mediums?
How do you clean / re-use fabric pots? I mean - do you just hose them down and scrub them out with plain water - or use some kind of cleaner to remove potentially unwanted pathogens / micobes / residual chemicals?
Thanks to the fantastic podcasts - I’ve already learned a ton of things from Mr. GrowIt. Really enjoyed so many of them - and I hope to put the information to good use in the not so distant future.
Wow - that’s an awesome response! Thanks!
That also answers another question I’ve been wondering about - ‘which method costs more?’.
It seems that if you have to constantly buy coco / rock wool (or possibly soil), it adds to total cost.
I’m guessing that even hydro is potentially more expensive than soil because of the nutrients needed. Not to mention there‘s no way to re-use the water.
I want to use an organic type of grow, with minimal / necessary / beneficial nutrients. Kind of like less is more.