This upcoming week is expected to have constant rain for the next 2-3 days with temps as low as 45*F at night. My outdoor grow is in cloth pots so I can transport them into my large garage at night no problem. My problem is placing them in the garage during the day since I only have standard lighting in my garage (no grow lights). I fully understand this is not ideal but I'm wondering what the worse of two evils is....Keep them outside in the cool rain or bring them in away from UV light to protect against cold temps and moisture?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Tough decision. I assume your garage has a standard 40watt bulb - possibly soft white. Unfortunately this won't be enough light and bud development will greatly suffer. I personally would keep them outside in the rain during the day then bring into the garage at night. Make sure you have plenty of air circulation in the garage or else you'll have powdery mildew all over the plants. Is 45-55F daytime temps or night temps?