Hey Chris! Had no idea you had your own site bro but this is awesome and like how you gave the right information in the correct order. It's so hard getting good information when getting started I'd a person doesn't know how or that not everything people say is true. Anyhow. I am a couple days from two weeks into flower on these two cultivars I got from a breeder friend. I usually get online but he's got good stock. One of the plants is doing a sort of folding of the leaves. Like each blade is trying to cover up the other. I'll just post a pic to simplify but I really hope to hear back from you man. I know your a busy man but I follow you and Rob and pigeons on YouTube and really enjoy the podcast's as well as all the other videos. Really helped me grow better, more impressive flowers! Look me up sometime on Instagram or YouTube buddy. I'm trying to get Into the same kind of content creation as yall and have been growing since the age of 15( 29 now ) so I really think I have something to bring to the table for viewers and those wanting to learn alike. Dapopegrows420 on Instagram and the same for YouTube. Keep in mind that I took most of my YouTube stuff down on the count that my videos needed the animation, more explanation, and now I can finally show my face since VA went legal so looking forward to that! Sorry the msg was so long bro, I just have really been looking forward to possibly asking you some questions and making a new growmie that I know has his craft on lock down! Thanks for your time and keep up the green work buddy! Dapopegrows420 aka. Your friend Brandon Pope!
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Welcome to the forum! Cool to hear a little bit about your journey. Let us know what questions you have. Cheers!