@Dale yeah, have both.4x2x6 marshydro, vivosun 4x2x5 or something rather. I know it's not 6'. I also have the 2x2 I picked up on a sale. I use the marshydro for flower, and vivosun for veg, and the 2x2 for clones/seedling. My wife finally let me have the spare room. So that is what I am trying to do, keep my wife supply. Those ones my dogs ate WAS my start. Now I have autos in 4x2x6. Critical Purple,Tangerine Dream,2 Blueberry. Never really grown these, may need advanced advice if possible. I just planted 2 days ago. Just a soak and plant. Still looking for the light. You guys are great with sharing growing tips. Wish we all could sit around and shoot the shit, and burn a few...
Oh, the marshydro 4x2x6 i have has the reflective cover that goes in it. Just asking. 1st time I saw this is all. But grow on fellas...