@Mr. Grow It Yes everything seemed fine until I looked at my plants today and noticed this on 3 separate fan leaves. (See pics below) Low on cal mag probably? Not sure but I googled it and seems like it can also be some type of rust fungus????? I really hope not. please let me know 💪🏽💪🏽💯💯
@camp_ortiz4 Not much going on there. Small marking like that are common. It could be from handling, air movement, etc. Doesn't look like anything to worry about imo.
@n_e_w_b_i_e ultra yield. I had to remove it. it was getting stuck. I contacted ultra shield and they shipped me a replacement but I’m kinda digging the tower fan more 💯💪🏽
@camp_ortiz4 yeah I’m a first time grower and just went through this. I actually pointed the fan against the wall so the wind bounces back with less power. I still see the leaves ruffle but not as hard. Try that and see if it gets worse or stops.
Looks like potential wind burn IMO. You posted this a week ago (late reply here); Has the damage stopped?
Do you have a really good camera?? Like one of the microscope USB cameras most have for trichomes??
If you have a really good one then take a small piece of the effected leaf and look closely at it for pests.
I would do this as well as the fans. You have to rule out as much as possible.
Looks like Beginning of windburn IMO.
How close are your fans?