After what I learned was an over watering problem from you on one of my forum posts I stopped watering so much and the new growth seems to looks healthy. At least until now. Some of the new growth is starting to lose its green color on the tips of the leaves and it almost looks like a yellowish grown. One plant looks like a leaf is turning a light greenish color which is what I first saw before yellowing with over watering but it isn’t the leaf tip that is yellowing but the body of the leaf itself. Not sure if I just didn’t cut down enough on watering which I’m only doing once a day now or if I’m over/under feeding.

So the damaged leaves are going to die in that one spot wait for new groth and look at that. They do look really healthy and green tho! Just wait till soil is dry, like fall off fingers with nothing left on them dry, "on top" before next watering. Do not use nutes. To strong for lil babies. And if you are using a soil medium make sure it did not have added nutrients to the soil like worm castings, bat guano anything with (N)itrogen, (P)hosphorus, and (K)Potassium too. Usually soils will feed plants for 2-4 weeks depending on watering schedule. Hope this helps buddy. Good luck!