Also, it may help to clean up this highlighted area. you’re doing pretty well filling up the grid, so these areas will be sucking resources away from your primaries. Just my $0.02
Ok right after I top dress, just add water right? No need to ph right?..I fed them like 2 days ago but I mixed 1 tbsp of Alfalfa Meal and 1 tbsp of kelp meal in 1 gallon of water
@Kingpolo I assume they were underfed at that amount of time with no amendments or liquid nutes. Whatever soil mix you started in is probably out of gas 🌱🪴🤙🏻
@Kingpolo the yellow leaves on the bottom looks like a nitrogen deficiency early on. Thats old growth and won’t recover. You can remove those yellowed droopy leaves
Well “like” 2 days ago isn’t a precise timeline but to my knowledge Down To Earth doesn’t make a liquid. If it was top dressed it will take 7-10 days approximately to be available to the plant.
What specifically are you referring to as the problem or issue?
Cool see you
Dude nice..teach me the way man?
Yo thank I wasn't nit sure if I should do anything else to
Also, it may help to clean up this highlighted area. you’re doing pretty well filling up the grid, so these areas will be sucking resources away from your primaries. Just my $0.02
Alright sounds good
Can recharge help
Ok right after I top dress, just add water right? No need to ph right?..I fed them like 2 days ago but I mixed 1 tbsp of Alfalfa Meal and 1 tbsp of kelp meal in 1 gallon of water
I say it's in ike 3 1/2 months
Can I top dress with alfalfa meal from D.T.E to fix the problem? And I checked my waters ph and it's at 6.6, do I need to fix ph before i water?
I didn't top dress or brewed it in tea, I just mixed in water and gave to my plant.
Well “like” 2 days ago isn’t a precise timeline but to my knowledge Down To Earth doesn’t make a liquid. If it was top dressed it will take 7-10 days approximately to be available to the plant.
What specifically are you referring to as the problem or issue?