I’m 3 weeks into my first ever grow (Double grape and Bruce Banner).
I panicked and topped the DG 🍇 because I was worried it would get too big for my tent, and hope it pulls through. The Bruce banner in the brown pots are looking ok I guess, seen the first white hairs pop out so I guess that means flowering is starting soon. Does anyone have any tips of notes for me? All help is appreciated.

Everyone has a different way of handling the switch. Personally, once she starts show the white pistils I will feed her Veg nutrients, then the next feeding do 3 parts Veg 1 part Bloom, then next I will do a half and half and then switch to straight Bloom nutrients after that.
I would be curious to hear what others do.
noted and thanks. right now I’m trying to figure out how much grow and bloom nutrients to give it, the white hairs are forming all over now.
I would untie the ones below the pot surface and just let them rise back up naturally, then work on creating an even canopy. I'm thinking if you keep them bent down like that it might cause you problems when you go to transplant into a larger pot, otherwise I would say leave them be.
Thanks for the tip, should I remove and try again? It’s been a few days theyve been like this
Hi, that's a little low, but I'm sure it's fine. You usually do not bend down below the pot. Looking for more of a 90 degree bend, but looks like you are approaching 180. The goal is to get a nice wide even canopy as the plant grows taller
Am i still doing it right?
Very nice! You don't need to trim any leaves at this point. What you can do is start pulling some of those other side branches down and try and aim them back the other way so you start filling out the pot evenly. That one tie you have now can probably be moved up that branch a bit already.
That's some real nice branching in the undergrowth, you're going to have a lot of colas on your hands!
OMG, this is truly an artform!
She popped right back up, it's like magic.
Do you think I need to trim any leaves? I was thinking the big one on the left ontop of the smaller one :)
Perfect! That beauty will be standing straight up again before morning.
Hi, I think I can answer those questions.
Yes you can LST a topped plant, those two methods actually work well together. The topping really gets the undergrowth growing and the LST turns that undergrowth into large tasty colas.
For the LST in a metal pot question, I'm not sure why the pot being metal would make a difference unless you are trying to poke holes in it. Here is a thread from this forum talking about LST and how to use bull dog clips:
I hope this helps, good luck and have fun!
You may want to try LST to fill up that grow space a bit
I hear ya, I had some pretty funky looking pots when I first started too!
And I would LST those girls, it's not too late.
By drainage, I mean your pots should have holes in the bottom to allow excess water to drain off. Maybe they do, but it did not look like it from the pictures.
Also, near the end of your grow you may want to flush your plants. That means pouring so much water into it that liters of water flow out the bottom of the pot. This flushes out left over nutrients and improves the flavor.
You mention they are all Auto's. As a general rule you should never top an Auto flower plant. It's no problem that you did so don't panic! It just may reduce the final yield a bit. What you can do is LST (Low Stress Training), that involves carefully bending the plants down to keep them short and promote growth in the lower branches, this increases the final yield. There are lots of articles and posts on this forum about LST if you're interested. It works great for both photo periods and auto flowers.
Have fun!
They are all autos, I didn’t want to mess anything up.
Can I ask what you mean by drainage? I’m using perlite in the soil if that’s helps your question.
Hi, they look nice and healthy! Are they Photo Period or Autos?
Do those pots have any drainage?