I have some hso chocolate mint og, seeds came on the 8/3/2019 was all popping out the soil bt 12/3/2019. Since then the overall growth has been slow they are in coco soil in a 1.2. By 2 metre tent under 600 w hps With temps sitting around 27-28 and rh 50-55%. they was in half the size of party cups I think normal size party cup is around 50ml, I yesterday put them in a 1 litre pot.is it normal for them to grow slow like this, on other threads I’m seeing people’s seedlings Take 2-3 weeks before looking amazing and another 2-3 after thag there ready for flower, just wondering why mine are so slow. the half party cups is 4 days previous To the one now In 1 l pots is this slow growth normal??

I’m also going To have a fresh start from seed.. do you have any tips from the get go to push start the process as u can see these have taken a lot longer then expected
Naturally, coco coir is saturated with sodium. It takes lots of rinsing and then buffering with calcium and magnesium before the medium is prepped. Not properly buffering coco could lead to lockout issues. I once didn't rinse/buffer my coco before and my plants looked a lot like yours. They will bounce back; it just make take some time. I definitely recommend giving CalMag every time you water - if you're not already doing that. Article w/more details: https://growguru.co.za/blogs/hydroponic/buffering-coco-coir
Forgot to mention was under a fluorescent bulb for first couple of days aswell not to sure if this may have slowed growth
I’m using coco, before Germination I rinsed soul so it was all nicely saturated . Was just water for first 5 or so days then I gave some katana Roots and just Yesterday a small amount of shogun A and B, I think I may have overwatered them as I was watering everyday in the half party cup size possibly. Now they are in 4” pots I will let them dry out 90% and hope for the best
For day 10 it looks a little slow but not by too much. The color of them is very light. What brand of coco are you using? Did you rinse/buffer the coco? If so, how? What nutes and how often?