I’m having a little trouble with the Orange Octane strain. This is my second time trying to grow this strain and both times it’s grows fine until the first set of leaves appear and than it just stops doing anything. They been like this for about two days now. I currently have them in ocean forest from fox farms as my soil. They’re in a red solo cup under a Vivosun tripod light currently. This is the end of their first week since they’ve popped up above the dirt. Any tips on what I should do? I’d hate to give up on them but at the same time I don’t want to waste anymore time if there no good. Any help would be greatly appreciate. Happy Growing!!
It could be a fungal disease like Verticillium Wilt. But that usually show up as the stock withering.
I use chamomile as soon as it (the seed) is in soil until it is ready for its big pots. It's an anti fungal & cheap. I just keep a big jug of water with 2 or 3 tea bags in it & toss in another tea bag occasionally.