still not sure what im doing but were in week8-9 flower
any tips or advice would be appreciated
i dont know anything about topping hence my short babies
btw theres
gelato 33
wild shark
I have my lights in bloom but I don’t think Its time ?

Some of the plants leaves look excessively dark. Do you know the pH and PPM of the soil runoff?
Yep, your Photo Period is definitely budding. Since you have switched to 12/12 you will want to keep it like that until you harvest the Photo Period.
Your Autos will be ok, but you will get a slightly lower yield than you would have if you had kept the lights at 18/6. Auto's bud on their own when they feel like it and like more light. Photo Periods only start really budding when you switch the light to 12/12. If you switch back to 18/6 now, your Autos will love it but your Photo will freak out so leave things at 12/12 if you want to save the Photo.
And get some air flow going even if it's just a couple of clip fans. If not, you will get bugs, mold, wrath of God, weak plants, etc.
Have fun!
@Cap StoneOkay now I know for future preparation
because I started to see bud sites and white hairs I changed it to a 12/12 but I’m not really seeing a difference
on the photo there are white hairs and buds
also I didn’t know about air flow so I have no ventilation going But it shows in quality
Autos and Photos have different needs so it's usually not a good idea to grow them together but it can be done.
We will need to know your current situation before we can make an suggestions on lighting, but for now I can say keep both the Veg and Bloom lights on all the time.
What time schedule are your lights set to now? (18/6, 12/12, something else or 'what the heck is Cap Stone talking about?')
Has the Photo Period started to bud yet or just show some white hairs? A picture of just the Photo Period would be helpful.
Don't worry, we will get you headed in the right direction.
Hi, are these Auto flowers or Photo Periods? Your girls look good, but they do not look like they are in week 8-9 of flower, you sure about that? Flowering begins when you see the white pistils or when you set the light to 12/12 if they are Photos.
If your light has both a 'Veg' and 'Bloom' setting, the short answer is: You should keep them both on all the time.
Did you top any of them? Topping will make them shorter and bushy, they get taller if you do not top.