Hey Mr. Grow it I saw in one of your videos you showed venting your tent out through the light fixture , can you do a video on this? How you did it? If it worked well?
This is how I vented into the attic in a appt, there was a pop in box w the led in hand in previous picture, and then terminates at an end wall attic vent, unfortunately I cant get cool intake air anywhere except an encapsulated crawlspace under tent area nt sure i trust it to nt draw possible mold spores. Any ideas on that or using a smart plug to adjust my dimmable grow lights so an hour or so after lights timer comes on i can increase the light level from work on my first break, idea was to replicate gradual morning sunlight increasing throughout day and then taper off at end of light cycle?
This is how I vented into the attic in a appt, there was a pop in box w the led in hand in previous picture, and then terminates at an end wall attic vent, unfortunately I cant get cool intake air anywhere except an encapsulated crawlspace under tent area nt sure i trust it to nt draw possible mold spores. Any ideas on that or using a smart plug to adjust my dimmable grow lights so an hour or so after lights timer comes on i can increase the light level from work on my first break, idea was to replicate gradual morning sunlight increasing throughout day and then taper off at end of light cycle?