In flower. 3 gallon pot. Ffof soil. Leaves have a little brownish color starting. Have 9 plants But only 1 plant with this Brownish color on the leaves.
How old are these plants? Is this your first time ever measuring the runoff? Also, what's the runoff PPM? I'm wondering if you saw a drastic drop in pH from your previous measurement
I using mars hydro ts 3000. Was 19 inches. Raised it to 23 inches. Leaves feel very dry. Temp has been 78 during day and at 68 at night or lights out for 6 hrs Its in early flowering Should have a few weeks to go
How old are these plants? Is this your first time ever measuring the runoff? Also, what's the runoff PPM? I'm wondering if you saw a drastic drop in pH from your previous measurement