First Thank you for providing this platform. My name is Bobby and my wife and I within the next month or 2 will be having our own place. With that said I am a heavy heavy smoker and would love to start growing for my wife and I. I was thinking of doing tents, I have done Hydro 5gal bucket about 17yrs ago but I liked it. I would like the system to be as automated (If Affordable) because we both work full time jobs.
Thank you again and have a great positive day.
Ok lets see, as for multiple tents in one room, I would think that might be kinda tough. Only because having one tent in total darkness while working in another that is fully lit would seem tricky, just my thought. I would definitely go with l.e.d if budget allows. As for automation, start with an "infinity" cloud series fan. I have everything automated and would say the fan is probably the most important to start with. Hope that helps, Good Growing!
Welcome to our great community. Awesome place to learn and experience different ways and watch other growers do their thing. The ideas I see and read, this is the for you. Happy growing. We're all hopefully happily growing.
Welcome! Feel free to ask questions. The community here is very helpful 🌳
Hello, and welcome to the wonderful world of growing! I would say if you have experience in hydro and like that way then thats cool unfortunately I dont, so I cant help much there. If you decide to try soil then I can help ya with that. What would you like to know?